Our solutions

Future-proof talent in your Schools

Talent-Ed Matrix will give you the platform to strategically plan your staff development and retention. By giving a clear pathway for growth and career progression, it is the ideal tool to encourage high quality recruitment and retention.

At a Glance

Building For The Present And The Future​
Growing Talent Across Your School​
Recruiting And Retaining The Best​

A platform built for you!

Each member of staff will have their own portal which they can use to record their CPD, skills, qualifications and aspirations. You will be able to see how each member of staff relates to the positions you have available now and in the future.

There are a wide range of resources available including: webinars, podcasts, discounted courses and books. As staff watch, listen, read or take courses, they will be able to record their development to improve their effectiveness in their current role and increase their readiness for any progression they wish to make.

As a school, you will be able to map career pathways for each role in your school, meaning your staff will be able to see the route they can take to progress in their career. This will act as a great resource for development, retention and as an offer during the recruitment process.

Finally, as a school leader, you will be able to view which staff are most ready for career progression. This supports a sustainable model for succession planning and internal development of your staff.

How Talent-Ed Matrix can
Help your School

Experience the transformative power of our Talent-Ed Matrix and unlock new possibilities for growth and success within your School.

Efficient Staff Mapping

Effortlessly map your staff across the school, facilitating staff development, succession planning and staff retention.

Promotion Potential Identification

Identify staff members who demonstrate potential for advancement, engagement with self-improvement, fostering a culture of recognition and career progression.

Transparent Role Requirements

Gain insight into the requirements and expectations for each role within the school, promoting clarity and alignment in staff growth.

Customised CPD Resources

Empower your school to tailor CPD resources to meet the unique needs of staff members, enhancing engagement and effectiveness.

Cost-Effective CPD Solutions

Reduce CPD costs by accessing a diverse range of high-quality resources and training materials, maximising value without compromising quality.

Proactive Risk Management

Identify potential flight risks among staff members, enabling proactive measures to enhance retention and maintain a cohesive team.

Strategic Staff Development Planning

Strategically plan the development of staff members to improve retention rates and cultivate a skilled and dedicated workforce.

Attractive Recruitment Offerings

Showcase a clear and compelling offer of support and development for prospective recruits, attracting top talent to your school and strengthening your reputation as an employer of choice.

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